I enjoy going to the Warrensville congregation, but not smelling like vomit. Joy, joy!! The only warning was "Daddy, I'm hot." Daddy opened ET's window to give him some fresh air, and I was telling him to take off his jacket. He layed his head back, and I turned back to face the front. Next thing I know, Torry says "Uh mom, ET just puked." We were miles from the church. Wow. Thank the Lord it was ok to open windows. It was not fun.
Next time I will pack extra clothes for both the boys. After the incident, ET was fine. Raring to go!! He took a nap this afternoon and was wide open in church. He and Torry were fighting over the cars, so I put them up, and split them up. Well, instantly "MOMMY". So, I took him out thinking he would hush. No, louder........... we sat back there till he stopped, and proceeded back out to the sanctuary. "MOMMY" back out we went. I let him stop crying and we went back into the service. Why Lord, it was such a good service. I get so distracted by my children.